The utilization of government-sponsored groping in efforts to uncover possible terror-laden junk in the trunk has become the stuff of farce. This article lays out the case for common sense reasoning in our intelligence efforts, which has been lacking ever since 9/11 morphed from an act of terror to a 'man-caused disaster'. When intelligence operations are based on political correctness instead of observable facts sifted through the laws of logic and deduction, we jeopardize lives and waste taxpayer money. Fort Hood could have been prevented if people were not afraid to buck the PC police and call a potential terrorist a potential terrorist - or at least a nut job. If the perpetrator were a white guy in a red pickup truck, I'll go out on a limb and say that tragedy never would have happened - he would have been reported and removed well before he went off the deep end. Not only are lives compromised, but we also waste considerable money by not expending it to get the most bang for the buck. For example, as a general rule it is a waste of time and money to feel up a 60 year old white nun who doesn't fit any known terrorist profile.
Somewhere along the line, 'intelligence' has become a casualty of 'security', with the result being that everyone's safety is compromised, and that's just dumb.