Saturday, July 24, 2010

PORN: The Sexual Revolution's Slave Master

This is the most in-depth scientific article I have ever read on this subject, and the facts it brings to light have huge societal implications.  These are not the words of some sexually repressed prude longing for the days of pleasure-less sex and puritan attitudes; this is neuroscience and its attending biological, psychological and societal implications, and it is eye-opening to say the least.  So whether you think porn is no big deal, or struggle with it yourself or know someone who does, this article convincingly outlines why this insidious and ubiquitous monument to the freedom won for us in the revolution was no gift.   Thanks for nothing, Dr. Kinsey:

1 comment:

ecclesiastes97 said...

Porn is much more dangerous than people would like to admit, and I think the author makes a very good case for that. I do wonder, though, if it's an overly-reductionist analysis. Consider this excerpt from the section on frontal lobe damage:

First, these patients are impulsive, in that they thoughtlessly engage in activities with little regard to the consequences. Second, they are compulsive; they become fixated or focused on certain objects or behaviors, and have to have them, no matter what. Third, they become emotionally labile, and have sudden and unpredictable mood swings. Fourth, they exhibit impaired judgment.

So cortical hypofrontality, or shrinkage of the frontal lobes, causes these four behaviors, and they can result from a car wreck or from addiction.

I would add - this collection of behaviors is also often found with ADD/ADHD individuals ... who, if not diagnosed with a disorder (and often even if they *are* diagnosed), are written off as immature, foolish, self-centered, and a host of other character judgments that assign responsibility to the *person* rather than to the *brain*.

Does this make sense?

The author makes a case that the brain-effects of pornography are akin to frontal lobe damage ... which is fine, except for the fact that one wonders where the brain ends and the person begins, and who is responsible for what.

Is the ADHD person responsible for their impaired executive functioning that leads to a whole host of interpersonal problems? Is the porn addict responsible once addicted and suffering from cortical hypofrontality because he/she got him/herself started down that path? But brain damage patients get a free pass because we all know that they smashed their head--even if they smashed their head doing an activity of their own choosing?

I don't have an answer to this one, but it is something that has bothered me for a long time: in general, character qualities associated with spiritual maturity (e.g. self control, sound judgment, peace & contentment) are directly corellated, by study after study, to frontal lobe functioning...and impaired frontal lobe functioning leads to behavior characteristic of folks who "need Jesus". If we're overly reductionistic about the role of the brain as the seat of personality and human behavior, the fruit of the spirit becomes no more than the fruit of a properly functioning frontal lobe. I still believe Christ is Lord of All, and has authority over human biology--but for me, the revelations (?) of neuroscience raise huge questions about the validity of moral culpability, and to what extent we can be held accountable for our own broken body. God has an answer to that, but I sure don't.